Lithuanian Business Confederation: for Effective Vaccination, Close Cooperation of Business and Government is Mandatory
"This kind of massive vaccination process - quite a precedent among most of the countries right now. The success of the process depends on effective, fluent, and professional cooperation between the private and governmental sectors. As we understand the importance and solidity, we can strongly confirm: business is opened and ready to share the competencies, news, experiences, and professionals, seeking to reach the victory leaving the restricting pandemia situation behind", – told the president of Lithuanian Bussiness Confederation.
According to him, the medical sector is not the only sector impatiently waiting for the vaccine, as the business community, too. As it reached the country, it is really important to assure a successful process of vaccination. After the most affected group of medics were vaccinated, the process moved into society. As planned, at least 2 million people should be vaccinated.
"Any specialist can confirm, that vaccinating 2 million within this short period of time - quite a challenge. However, we constantly manage this kind of challenge – managing huge groups of individuals' flows, repeating constant processes assuring - these elements are key points of our daily life. We are ready to help and contribute, sharing our experiences and knowledge“, – said the vice-president of the Confederation as well as the CEO of logistics company "Rhenus Logistics“ Arūnas Bertašius.
According to Confederation, private medical companies are already very active in COVID-19 pandemia management and control, providing the most needed medical services, specialists for formed branches, fever clinics, and mobile stations. Private laboratories are making coronavirus tests, as private family doctors' input into a successful vaccination process is just extremely important.
"At the moment, private healthcare organizations can provide additional resources for public general vaccination of the society. Our member, private diagnostic laboratories network can voluntarily deliver vaccines to 300 locations in Lithuania. A big part of association members have equipped vaccination areas and certified specialists, so they are fully prepared voluntarily assist in vaccination process", - assured Confederation's member and the president of private healthcare organizations' association Laimutis Paškevičius. "We are ready, willing, and able to help and contribute to effective and professional fight with the pandemia“, – assured the president of an association.